Writing Roulette Results


She came dressed in nothing but the dust from butterfly wings and had dragonflies in her hair.  She shimmered with a silvery arctic sheen that barely covered her skin.  He wondered even if it was her skin.  He’d been in the mental hospital for so long that he wondered if humans had evolved this way, perhaps the climate was changing so much that people on the outside were developing ashen skin, burning in the sun until they came off on your fingers when you touched them.  He wanted her on his fingers like that, burned or not.

“I’ve been waiting for you,” she said. When she spoke, bumble bees came out of her mouth, whispering against his cheeks and wrapping him in honey.  They rested on his shoulders and chest, pollinating his skin.  He was hooked immediately.

“I’ve been here for years.”  He looked around to see if other people noticed her.  He didn’t trust his own eyes any more.

“You should have come sooner.”

“Why are you here?”

“Don’t you recognize me?” Her hair was white, long, silky strands, stronger than steel and he was caught in it.  Her eyes fluttered.   The bees which swarmed him tugged at something in the back of his mind, but she was too strange.  Her tongue curled and he was sure she was part insect.

Suddenly, her poetry came rushing back to him.



Yesterday I posted a prompt about using various plot generators.  I wanted to share with you a little taste of what I came up with.  This came from one of the 5.1 million plots that Big Huge Thesaurus generated.  It was so inspiring as a prompt that it’s become a much, much larger (and still unfinished!) project.  I’ve shared the beginnings of it with you.  Has anyone else used any of these prompts?  What did you come up with?

Creative Commons love to Mr. Greenjeans on flickr for the amazing artwork.  Thank you!

11 thoughts on “Writing Roulette Results

  1. BEEAUTY FULL! >>> “When she spoke, bumble bees came out of her mouth, whispering against his cheeks and wrapping him in honey. ” …just awesome.

    I have a poem I wrote called: “Fluttered” that came to mind after reading this. When you write: “He wanted her on his fingers like that, burned or not.” That puts me in the mind of a poem I wrote called: “Refiner”… AND I’M LOVIN what I’ve read and can’t wait to read more! thanks for sharing!

    FLUTTERED: https://soundcloud.com/tru-fireelectric/fluttered-tkb
    REFINER: https://soundcloud.com/tru-fireelectric/refiner-tkb

  2. Full of soul and sense, the melody of words whisper ego’s warm presence while echoing spirit’s heart-raised pace where aroma of inspiration ignites creativity’s essence.
    the first lines were very eye-catching, melodic and full of imagination. next lines showcase a little ordinary imagination and lack the richness first lines posses. in the case of applying your literary skill all over the text, your writings glisten with higher rate picturesqueness,s presence.
    these are my point of view, and maybe i am mistaken.
    the first lines i wrote here, became a poetry due to your nice style of writing. maybe i publish it on my page.

  3. […] Writing Roulette: Plot Generators to Spice up Your Literary Life: This is one of the oldest prompts I posted (2014!), and it’s still a favorite. A round-up of several online plot generators to get your creative juices flowing. Sometimes inspiration out of nowhere can really get the juices flowing in new directions. Also, you can see my own response to this prompt here. […]

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