Call for Submissions: Permafrost Magazine

Permafrost Magazine is now accepting submissions.

Permafrost Magazine is the farthest north literary journal for writing and the arts.   Founded in 1977, Permafrost is housed at the University of Alaska Fairbanks MFA program and run by dedicated creative writing graduate students. We publish a winter print issue as well as a spring online issue, both of which feature compelling poetry, fiction, and literary nonfiction by established writers and new voices alike.  In Alaska, our unique environment shapes our perspective, but Permafrost seeks original voices from all over the world.


Regular submissions for the print edition are read between September 1 and December 15. All pieces receive three independent readings from our staff of volunteer readers, all of whom are graduate students or faculty in the English Department at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The average turn-around for regular submissions is approximately three months.

If your submission arrives after our December 15 deadline, it will then be considered for the May online edition.  The deadline for submissions to the online edition is April 15.

You can submit by mail or online here:  Please note that we are charging a $3 fee for submitting online, which is comparable to the cost of postage and mailing materials and helps offset some of the journal’s expenses.

To submit by mail, send to:
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Department of English
P.O. Box 755720
Fairbanks, AK 99775-0640

Your work will not be returned or responded to without one.

Contributors will receive one copy of the issue in which their work appears. Additional copies can be purchased at the reduced price of $5.

Email submissions will not be read.

PROSE (FICTION AND NON-FICTION): Typed and double-spaced with author’s name, address, phone, and email at the top of page one, with each page after numbered with name at top. We welcome prose submissions of less than 8,000 words (more if it’s really great). Notify us if you’d like your manuscript returned. Always include an SASE.

POETRY: Typed with author’s name, address, phone, and email at the top of each page. Poetry does NOT need to be double spaced; please submit it as you would like it to appear. Poems of more than one page should have the author’s last name, along with page number, at the top of each following pages. No length maximums, as we like the idea of publishing something truly epic. Please do not submit more than five poems at once. Include an SASE.

ARTWORK: Photographs, drawings, cover art, etc. will be considered.

Don’t be discouraged if your first submission is not accepted, and please specify if your submission is simultaneous.Permafrost also sponsors literary contests for fiction and poetry.

0 thoughts on “Call for Submissions: Permafrost Magazine

  1. I always like the idea of submissions, thank you for visiting my written works. This brought back good memories, I grew up in Fairbanks for a while, did most of 5th grade. Thanks again.

  2. “Rusty” Heurlin (Magnus Colcord Heurlin) was a personal friend of my Grandparents, (Alfred Duryee and Arla (Peabody) Guion),. From 1939 until 1946, my Grandfather wrote a weekly letter to his son’s scattered around the world. During some of that time, my uncle Ced Guion lived with Rusty while he worked at Woodley’s Airfield.
    My father and his siblings have numerous childhood memories of Rusty and I have quite a few letters written by Rusty to family members. There are many references to Rusty on my Blog, . They can be found easily enough by clicking on the Category “Rusty”.
    I have been planning a book, (working title – The Other Side of Rusty Heurlin) and was wondering if you might be interested in a series of articles for your publication, or perhaps something a bit more ambitious?

    Judith Hardy
    PO Box 1167
    Sharon, CT 06069

    Thank you for your consideration.

  3. This sounds interesting, and I would like to submit some poetry. Is it acceptable to submit online? Should I submit at I just want to make sure that my submission will be read. Thank you.

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