Week 4 Review: NaNoWriMo Day 28
A review of how things went this last full week of NaNoWriMo.
Word Count Goal Per Writing Day: 2000
Actual Average Word Count Per Writing Day: 3698
Planned Writing Days: 5
Actual Writing Days: 4
Day 22 Word Count: 0
Day 23 Word Count: 0
Day 24 Word Count: 0
Day 25 Word Count: 0
Day 26 Word Count: 5302
Day 27 Word Count: 5008
Day 28 Word Count: 783
Planned Words This Week: 10000
Actual Words This Week: 11093
Planned Words So Far: 46000
Actual Words So Far: 39103
A great week for big word counts per writing day. Not so great for consistency. I am definitely down by not out. There are two days left and I know I can do it!