Another weekly NaNoWriMo check-in!
Word Count Goal Per Writing Day: 2000
Actual Average Word Count Per Writing Day: 2918
Planned Writing Days: 6
Planned Writing Days: 4
Day 15 Word Count: 0
Day 16 Word Count: 0
Day 17 Word Count: 719
Day 18 Word Count: 3005
Day 19 Word Count: 0
Day 20 Word Count: 3896
Day 21 Word Count: 4050
Planned Words This Week: 12000
Actual Words This Week: 11670
Planned Words So Far: 36000
Actual Words So Far: 28010
I was so close to my word goal this week!
Again, I wrote less days than I intended. Maybe 4 days a week is my process? But, I also had much bigger word counts per day than I planned. They were not enough to catch me up, but they are definitely moving me closer.
How did Week 3 go for you?