This is how far I am behind! 😀
Word Count Goal Per Writing Day: 2000
Actual Average Word Count Per Writing Day: 1642
Planned Writing Days: 6
Planned Writing Days: 4
Day 8 Word Count: 909
Day 9 Word Count: 0
Day 10 Word Count: 2366
Day 11 Word Count: 0
Day 12 Word Count: 0
Day 13 Word Count: 240
Day 14 Word Count: 3052
Planned Words This Week: 12000
Actual Words This Week: 6567
Planned Total Words: 24000
Actual Total Words: 16268
Well, so if my goal for Nanowrimo was consistency, I feel like I slid back a bit this week. I had hoped to write all but one day of rest this week, and I fell off the horse.
On the plus side, last week I wrote an average of 1615 words per day that I wrote and this week I wrote an average of 1642 per writing day. But there were less writing days, which is really something I am trying to work on.
This blog post definitely feels a day late and a dollar short, but luckily Thanksgiving is over and there is time to catch up, not only with Nanowrimo, but also with blogging.
How is everyone out there doing? Has anyone had any wins lately?
My win is to… quit fiddling around and start my next novella!
[…] truth of the matter is that I am very behind. You might have seen in yesterday’s post that I was nearly 12000 words behind where I had hoped […]
[…] Again, I wrote less days than I intended. Maybe 4 days a week is my process? But, I also had much bigger word counts per day than I planned. They were not enough to catch me up, but they are definitely moving me closer. […]