Here are the first week’s stats!
My Week 1 Review for NaNoWriMo 2021. Here’s how the numbers broke down.
Word Count Goal Per Writing Day: 2000
Actual Average Word Count Per Writing Day: 1615
Planned Writing Days: 6
Planned Writing Days: 6
Day 1 Word Count: 2042
Day 2 Word Count: 2037
Day 3 Word Count: 1089
Day 4 Word Count: 1516
Day 5 Word Count: 420
Day 6 Word Count: 2646
Day 7 Word Count: 0
Planned Words This Week: 12000
Actual Words This Week: 9750
So, this feels like good, important information to have. I had been feeling like I hadn’t written enough days this week, but in actuality, I wrote the number of days I had planned, taking Sunday off instead of Friday.
But I still didn’t meet my word count because on the days that I did write, I didn’t reach my daily goal. I probably should have figured that since I did not write enough to get my daily rewards on a lot of writing days.
Well, so now I know. I’ll be trying to catch up by encouraging myself that I can do just one more sprint each day, past the point where I might have called it a night.
Another one of the things I love about NaNoWriMo, I guess. It pushes you in ways that make you learn about your process as a writer. Trying to get back on the horse and gallop a little more each day!
Hopefully this little reflection on the stats will help me be a more consistent writer next week.
How did your Week 1 go? Can you believe we are halfway through Week 2 already?!
[…] I felt like the best thing I could do to keep myself writing as the days get shorter was to reward myself with something that brought a little bit of brightness, a little bit of life into my writing space. Hopefully this helps push me forward also, as I am a little behind! […]