Call for Submissions: The Great American Lit Mag

The Great American Lit Mag is open for submissions!  Check them out!



The Great American Lit Mag welcomes general submissions of prose and poetry. Our reading periods run for two months at a time with a month off in between for our editors to construct each issue. Our current reading period will run from August 1st-September 30th.

We are happy to consider simultaneous submissions, so long as you withdraw your work from consideration within ten minutes of it being accepted elsewhere.

Unlike most other publications, we are happy to consider previously published work. However, it is unlikely that we will republish any work that is not INCREDIBLE. If you choose to submit previously published work, please note it in your cover letter and include the following sentence: This work has been previously published at (fill in appropriate time and place); however, all publishing rights have been reverted to me, the author, and I am knowledgeably and willfully submitting it for republication under the expectation that my original publishers will be acknowledged. Our response time is typically less than 3 weeks. We want you to be able to get your work into as many hands as quickly and with the least amount of reluctance as possible if it doesn’t find a home here, so we aim to respond quickly.

We do not pay contributors for any work published in The Great American Literary Magazine.



Prose should be no more than 3,000 words.

Please send your submission via email to with a cover letter and a subject line including your last name and the word “fiction”. For example: Smith Fiction Submission.


For poetry, please submit no more than 5 poems.

Please send your submission via email to with a cover letter and a subject line including your last name and the word “poetry”. For example: Smith Poetry Submission.