sometimes (Florida. Spring 2006.)


i want things to be


like when

i watch you

drawing almonds

and tear drops

and flames

in the sand

or when you

enjoy copland

just that way

and you hum

the songs

that say

the things

you won’t

or when we talk

just enough

to know

that we are


i want things to be


Lauren and Aaron’s Wedding Poem (Florida. Winter 2012.)

Under twinkling stars in a Florida night,

brought together by an unseen hand,

two sticks dance and twist and sparks ignite

a tiny flame that needs to be fanned.

Pines and oaks gather ‘round a campfire ring

and fireflies blink and wink in the dark.

Pine needles and smiles provide kindling

and the campground sees the very first spark.

With sparkler kisses the flames ignite

and fireworks set the whole sky ablaze.

In July heat explosions burn bright

and nights can be warmer than days.

With a burst of love the fire crackles and snaps

as branches and limbs intertwine.

The flames can now relax and collapse

and the campfire can finally shine.

It gives needed warmth to St. Augustine nights

which grow cold as the winter comes near.

Under evergreeen firs dressed in Christmas lights

the light of forever is clear.

Trees lean in to lend a hand

with shimmering decorations.

A question is popped under glimmering strands

giving life to sparkling sensations.

It’s now a true fire with brilliant red embers

needing stoking and tending to rise

For this flame will last many more Decembers

with laughter alight in their eyes.

Now family and friends add logs to the fire

and fan a blaze that continues to grow.

With love and support the flames will get higher

so that everyone basks in the glow.