I won NaNoWriMo!
At 11:00pm on November 30, 2021, I snuck in my last words just as the deadline was nearing. Now, I did not finish this novel. I still have a few chapters left. But I did write 50,041 words in the month of November, which is huge for me!

Last year was the first year I won NaNo, after trying it for several years without success. But, last year I wrote almost all the words in the last few days.

One of my goals for this NaNoWriMo was to be more consistent. To be honest, I felt like I had failed, because on November 29th, I was still 10,000 words from reaching my goal, and my graph was very up and down. I was frustrated that I didn’t sit down to write every day, and generally not feeling great about how it went, even though I knew I could make it to the 50,000 goal.

But actually, if you compare the two graphs, I was way more consistent this year than I was last year. So, definitely progress!
How did it go for you all?
Here are the stats for the last day
Day 30 Word Count: 9761
Total Word Count: 50041
Where I Planned to Be: 50000
1667 words per day: 50000