Find a poem that resonates with you in these times. You could check out these poems chosen by poets from Emory University, these collaborations sponsored by the Poetry Society of New York, or these pieces written by Alaskan writers for 49 Writers. Or perhaps you have recently seen some other piece of writing that spoke to you about what you are going through now.
Type out the poem and then under each line, write your own response to just that line. It could be one word, a paragraph, or even the start of a story. Continue through the entirety of the poem. Then, delete the original poem so that only your lines are on the page. Use these lines to create your own piece of writing. Perhaps one line sparked an idea for a story or essay. Maybe delete lines or words, or rearrange them to make a poem. Whatever you choose, use the writing you have done in response to your original chosen piece to create your own, new work.
This post is part of a series I am doing that includes 30 prompts for 30 days of sheltering at home. You can read more about my reasoning and also find other prompts here. I would love to see what you come up with. Feel free to share here or to tag your work #shelterandwrite.
This is so beautifully and brilliantly written. Thank you for sharing with us. I really appreciate your thoughts.
[…] Respond line by line to a poem that resonates with you in these times. […]
[…] Respond line by line to a poem that resonates with you in these times. […]