Sharing: Her Best Poetry by ianstarttoday

It’s one of my favorite moments on WordPress when I stumble across gems of poetry or prose that I just instantly fall in love with.  That’s exactly what happened when I read “Her Best Poetry” on the blog ianstarttoday.  It’s definitely worth wandering around over there.



her best poetry

by: ianstarttoday



it was quite clear

that her best poetry

was not present in any poem

it was in a blue wooden box

in the backyard shed where she kept everything

she couldn’t stand to look at anymore.



0 thoughts on “Sharing: Her Best Poetry by ianstarttoday

  1. thank you for posting my poem and for saying such nice things! Sometimes I fear that the only people reading my blog are blood relatives, so maybe it’ll get a few more eyes on the blog. thanks again and good luck with your submission bonanza.

      1. A really lovely comment, and yes, it is pretty great to feel connected to so many people who have been bitten by the same bug. Thank you for the follow, by the way. Your blog looks like it’s going to be an entertaining destination in the future.

  2. A deep interesting take on it. I like it.
    I hope some day the poems I post on wordpress will have some merit and be worth sharing.
    For now, I am glad they are still within the blue box.

    Poetry – literary tweets of the crazed visionary

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