Featured Author: Reaping the Rewards of a Submission Bonanza!

After an incredibly intense month of submitting writing to 30 literary magazines in 30 days, following my Submission Bonanza! Challenge, I am beginning to reap the rewards.

This month Flash Frontier included me in their featured authors section.  Check it out!

Also, if you want to do your own Submission Bonanza! you can check out my tips for editing and choosing pieces to submitfinding magazines, and writing your cover letter and bio.

Or check out the unexpected lessons that I learned while doing this challenge.

11 thoughts on “Featured Author: Reaping the Rewards of a Submission Bonanza!

  1. Congratulations, your hard work has paid off.
    I too am in the same process of submitting my work to publishers. It’s tiring but I’d rather do this than nothing at all.

    Wishing you future success.

  2. Congratulations! You’ve inspired me to move ahead with my own work at a little sharper pace. I’ve been in a writing frenzy for several months, but that seems to have slowed a bit so maybe I can shift into more of a submission phase. Thanks for the tips, too.

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