The Writer’s Moon: Author Interview with Alicia Manson

The Writer’s Moon is a journal and planner for writers that helps you sync your writing practice to the phases of the moon. It’s a 30-day workbook for deepening your writing practice and getting more intentional and productive with your work by using the energy the moon has on offer. In this author interview, the… Continue reading The Writer’s Moon: Author Interview with Alicia Manson

Rituals and Writing Prompts to Celebrate Ostara and Inspire Your Spring

The spring equinox, also known as Ostara, is a special time of year when the day and night are in equal balance. You can use these rituals and writing prompts to celebrate Ostara and inspire your Spring. The energy of this time can help you strengthen your writing practice, develop your creativity, and plant the… Continue reading Rituals and Writing Prompts to Celebrate Ostara and Inspire Your Spring

28 Creative Writing Prompts to Celebrate Imbolc and Inspire Your February

Can you feel it in the air? It’s the depths of winter, but there’s something stirring. Even as the snow is still coming down, the end of winter is in sight. Even here in Alaska, the birds have started singing.  It’s Imbolc! Imbolc is the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox,… Continue reading 28 Creative Writing Prompts to Celebrate Imbolc and Inspire Your February