30,000 Word Reward: NaNoWriMo Day 26
So, if you do the math, I am behind. By Day 26 of NaNoWriMo, according to the official NaNo site, one should have 43,342 words. I am just now reaching 30,000. But 30,000 words in one month is something to celebrate, and I am being grateful to myself that I am getting words on the page, that this novel is moving ahead, and chanting “Progress, not perfection” to myself every step of the way.
I know I can be an overachiever and that I can be really hard on myself, so I am finding these “even if you are behind” rewards an excellent way to remind myself that moving forward is a win, even if I am not moving forward as quickly as I expected.
Again, I sent the family to the store to pick the plants for me, because last time, it really made me happy to feel supported with the small surprises they brought home. It has the added benefit of making sure that everyone likes the plants that are decorating our house.
Here is my 30,000 word reward:
It’s a galaxy false aralia.
And, it totally motivated me. I got over 5,000 words today! This is by far the best day I’ve had so far in terms of words on the page.
I love that these plants are congregating, creating a little forest that is reminding me that the novel is coming along and that I am showing up.
I have a lot of showing up to do to catch up at this point, but I am determined!
Are you still in it? Are you progressing? Any advice about keeping yourself on track?
Here are today’s stats!
Day 26 Word Count: 5302
Total Word Count: 33321
Where I Planned to Be: 42000
1667 words per day: 43342
[…] 30,000 Word Reward: NaNoWriMo Day 26 […]