I have reached 20,000 words!
The truth of the matter is that I am very behind. You might have seen in yesterday’s post that I was nearly 12000 words behind where I had hoped to be by this time, and about 10,000 words behind the NaNoWriMo projected word count of 30,006 words for yesterday.
I am even more behind today because again, I have not written.
If I am being honest, the overachiever in me does not feel like I should get a reward when I am this far behind. But this is probably also the reason that giving yourself rewards is important. I have written more than 20,000 words this month. This makes it one of the best months of the year for me so far in terms of volume of writing, and there are still 10 days left to write more.
This is something to celebrate. I’ve been more consistent than usual this month. I’ve made the novel I am working on a priority in a way that I don’t often do.
So, here she is: my 20,000 word reward, plant #2 this month, my reminder that progress is progress even if it is slow: a lemon button fern!

This girl is a little scraggly and in need of some TLC, but she sure is making me happy. I did not have time today to go out and get myself my reward, so I sent my significant other and daughter out to pick one for me.
I do love ferns and this one is a cutie, so they definitely did a good job.
Now the fern’s sitting on my desk and she is this lovely reminder that I have people supporting me and that I am moving forward, still.
I highly recommend getting your support system involved in helping you get through NaNoWriMo!
How are you all doing out there? Have you found ways to let the people in your life support you? What kinds of community and reminders are helping you get through?
Here are the stats for today
Day 19 Word Count: 0
Total Word Count: 20064
Where I Planned to Be: 32000
1667 words per day: 31673
[…] know I can be an overachiever and that I can be really hard on myself, so I am finding these “even if you are behind” rewards an excellent way to remind myself that moving forward is a win, even if I am not moving forward as […]
[…] your progress. Sometimes progress with writing can be slow. It can help keep the motivation up to celebrate every win, to recognize that every word you wrote was a step in the direction of your dreams, or of your work […]